Friday, February 01, 2008

January 31, 2008 Morristown Goes Deeper in Debt UNANIMOUSLY

As Tennessee Ernie Ford would say, the City of Morristown is another day older and deeper in debt. The City Council approved another $8+ million of debt this week for overruns on road and building projects and still more sewer debt.

Councilman Mel Tucker apparently spoke out about the danger of piling on debt-- but then he turned around and voted with all other councilmen to pile on more debt!

Passing on debt and more debt to the next generation is the national, state, and local trend.

To cover the spend and borrow cycle, the city is desperately trying to convince voters that the old saying "Never vote yourself a tax increase" is outdated. Mayor Sami Barile and all six councilmen sent a 3-page "pick your poison" PRO-SALES TAX letter to Morristown residents early this week.

Too bad the city doesn't devote as much time to controlling its spending and debt as it has to its current Vote Yes for Sales Tax campaign.

If the city had been minding the financial store, there never would have been a nearly 40% property tax increase last year. And the county just keeps piling on debt and taxes, too.

Somebody needs to put the brakes on this borrow and spend and tax train! No matter how wonderful the city and county and school board think taxes are, the people of Morristown and Hamblen County can't afford a ticket to ride.

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