Friday, December 21, 2007

December 21, 2007 Hamblen Commission Passes Illegal Immigration Resolutions

The Hamblen County Commission joined with the City of Morristown and overwhelmingly passed both anti-ILLEGAL Immigration resolutions last night.

Several individuals spoke at the beginning of the meeting expressing various concerns about illegal immigration and encouraging the commission to support the resolutions.

When it came time to vote, only two commissioners spoke.

Joe Swann repeated many of the same comments he had made during a previous committee meeting. It's a "federal issue."

He's against anything illegal, but he was afraid that passing the resolutions might cause the county to have to raise taxes and/or quit taking state prisoners in order to make more room for local illegals in the jail.

I guess Joe doesn't recall that his very first tax vote as a commissioner was to raise taxes-- largely to increase law enforcement spending. He had no problem then in raising taxes to pay for additional law enforcement costs of the sanctuary county (Hamblen) .

And Joe will probably have no problem in raising taxes again this coming year for the ever-increasing educational and healthcare and law enforcements costs that the county incurs as a result of being held out as a magnet for illegal immigration.

Tommy Massey, as he did in committee, spoke up to support Swann. Tommy, too, is against anything illegal. I don't believe Tommy mentioned this time--as he did in committee-- that conditions are bad in Mexico and that he himself would do anything to bring his family here.

Tommy said he would go ahead and vote for the resolutions to the extent that they just "say" we want someone else --the state and federal governments-- to do something.

Joe, as I recall, abstained from voting on one of the resolutions and voted against the other.

The next step is for citizens and commission to really push for action at the state and federal levels...the time is right and our Congressman David Davis is firmly against ILLEGAL immigration.

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