Tuesday, June 27, 2006

June 26, 2006 County Mayor David Purkey Applies for Another Job

Hamblen County Mayor David Purkey has applied for another job: Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Safety.

[The Department of Safety includes the Tennessee Highway Patrol.]

The Nashville Tennessean reported this news last week. The Tribune hasn't reported anything.

I have waited several days expecting to see a front-page headline in the Tribune letting local folks know about the Mayor's job-seeking efforts in Nashville, but so far-- no front-page headline.

Recently, Purkey kicked off his campaign for County Mayor by stating that he wanted just one more term as County Mayor in order to "finish up" certain local projects.

Even though the projects haven't been finished, it looks like the Mayor has decided to apply for a state job at the same time that he is running for re-election as County Mayor.

Just which job does he really want?

Scroll down and check the four part (I-IV) posts of June 25 for information on how the Mayor has handled Hamblen County finances.

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