Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 9, 2011 Paul LeBel Sets Up "Office Schedule" for Mayor and Councilmembers

Folks, Paul LeBel has not only taken over the City Center, he has now set up an "office schedule" for the Mayor and his fellow councilmembers to follow. [Click on the schedule to enlarge it for easy reading!]

So come on and bring your neighbors and friends to the City Center at 7 AM on Monday morning, September 12, to meet the one, the only, P. LeBel sitting at the City Center in what has been the Mayor's office for years and years for five hours to see his constituents.

Yes, just four months after being elected to the City Council by a slim 24-vote margin, P. LeBel has crowned himself King. Prince Bob, Prince Chris, and Princess Kay are dutifully doing the King's bidding while Prince Claude, as usual, can't decide what to do, but he talks a good game.

Because LeBel, King of City Council, is also on the Hamblen County Commission, Monday, September 12, is going to be a tough day for him.  Wearing his city council hat, LeBel is scheduled to be at the City Center from 7AM-12 Noon to meet constituents.  But LeBel will have to leave the City Center a bit early and throw on his county commission hat if he intends to get to the county commission committee meetings on time at 11:30 AM.

Run, Paul, run.  And keep talking fiscal responsibility while you sit by and watch the lovely Princess Kay spend $1000s of taxpayer dollars on travel while other councilmembers spend nothing or next to nothing on travel. Click here.  Where's that resolution to stop excessive travel by "certain" councilmembers?

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