Friday, November 03, 2006

November 3, 2006 The Picture Seen Around the World

John Kerry's remarks about the U.S. military have sparked a firestorm of comments and a belated apology from Kerry himself.

The Nashville Tennessean ran into a firestorm of comments itself after it ran an editorial supporting Kerry on Nov. 2. The Tennessean, like Kerry, followed up with an apology on Nov. 3.

A lot of people have seen the picture shown above of U.S. soldiers holding a banner, mockingly asking "Jon Carry" to "halp" get them out of "Irak."

If you click on the links shown below, you will not only see the picture again, but you will also be able to read some background about the soldiers who created the banner that has become the picture seen around the world.

More about the Minnesota soldiers and banner holders can be found here and here.

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