Wednesday, July 04, 2012

July 4, 2012 How Did Our Founders Celebrate Independence?



Reuniting Americans
With Their True Heritage
July 4, 2012

On the evening of July 2, 1776, after the adoption of
the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote
to his wife Abigail expressing the significance of that
day. In his letter he wrote about how future
generations should celebrate with parades, shows,
games, guns, bonfires and fireworks. For the most part,
Americans have taken heed to Adams' call to celebrate
that day. However, America has forgotten the most
significant act of honoring this great occasion. First
and foremost, Adams wrote, "It ought to be
commemorated as the Day of Deliverance, by
solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty."

Our Founding Fathers believed that God was delivering
us from the tyrannical hand of the British government,
just as He had delivered the children of Israel from the
bondage of Egypt. Evidence of this strongly held belief
can be found in the first proposed seal of the United
States. The seal was designed by the same committee
that drafted the Declaration, which included Thomas
Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. The seal
had the image of "Pharaoh sitting in a chariot, a crown
on his head and a sword in his hand, passing through
the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the
Israelites: Rays from a pillar of fire in the Cloud, expressive
of the Divine presence and command, beaming on Moses
who stands on the shore and extending his hand over the
sea causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh."
As long as Israel honored God for delivering them from
Egypt, his hand of protection was upon them. But when
they turned their back to him is when they faced tribulation
and judgment. This is why our Founders felt that the most
important thing for us to do in celebration of our
deliverance from tyranny is to give "solemn acts of devotion
to God Almighty."
On July 4, 1787 the delegates to the Constitutional
Convention recessed their proceedings to celebrate the
"Day of Deliverance." There were many opportunities
to celebrate with games, parades and parties, but instead,
under the leadership of George Washington, the
delegates assembled at the Reformed Calvinistic Church in
Philadelphia to worship and pray. Reverend William Rogers
delivered a sermon about trusting in the wisdom of God
to establish a "free and vigorous government."
This Independence Day, share this story with others, and
be sure to pray for our nation and honor God for his
deliverance and for the strong faith and dedication of our
Founding Fathers.
Georgia State Senator Barry Loudermilk
Franklin Seal

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